The Glory of the Cross

V1 What wisdom once devised the plan, Where all our sin and pride Was placed upon the perfect Lamb, Who suffered, bled and died The wisdom of a sovereign God, Whose greatness will be shown When those who crucified Your Son, Rejoice around the throne CH And oh the glory of the cross, That You would send Your Son for us I gladly count my life as loss, That I might come to know The glory of, the glory of the cross V2 What righteousness was there revealed, That sets the guilty free That justifies ungodly men, And calls the filthy clean? A righteousness that proved to all, Your justice has been met And holy wrath is satisfied through one atoning death V3 What mercy now has been proclaimed, For those who would believe A love incomprehensible, Our minds could not conceive A mercy that forgives my sin, That makes me like Your Son And now I’m loved forevermore, Because of what You’ve done